Mandatory Publication of Information

1. Name

  • Magdaléna, o.p.s.

2. Reason and Method of Foundation

3. Organisation Structure

4. Contacts

4.1 Postal Code

4.2 Office Address for Personal Visit

4.3 Office Hours

4.4. Phone Numbers

4.5 Webpage

4.6 Filing Office Address

  • Magdaléna o.p.s., Včelník 1070, 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy

4.7 Electronic Address of Filing Office

4.8 Data Box

  • u9bapmm

5. Payments

  • Bank account at České spořitelny č. 388061319/0800

6. Identification number

  • 2561740

7. Taxation Status

  • Magdaléna o.p.s. Does not pay VAT

8. Documents

8.1 List of primary documents

8.2 Budget

9. Information Request

  • Information can be acquired at the address Magdaléna o.p.s., Včelník 1070, 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy or by sending your question to our email:

10. Request and Complaints

11. Prescriptions

11.1 Social Services

Field Programs, Contact centres, Easy to access facilities for children and youth, treatments, professional social advice and therapy communities are registered under social services. They are provided based on the law of social services (Zákon č. 108/2006 Sb.).

11.2 Addictology Ambulance

Addictology ambulances are specialised healthcare facilities that are provided based on the law of social services (Zákon č. 372/2011 Sb.).

11.3 Primary Prevention of Risky Behaviour Programs

Programs for the primary prevention of risky behaviors are provided based on the methodologic advice MŠMT ( Methodological advice for primary prevention of risky behaviour in children and adolescents.).

11.4 Certification

All Magdalena o.p.s programs (Except NZDM) are professionally certified to provide addictology services, which are addressed by the Advisory Council for anti-drug political coordination of the Government Office of the Czech Republic

11.5 Provided Legal Regulations

  • Magdaléna o.p.s. Hasn’t ordered any legal regulations

12. Cost of providing information

12.1 Providing information Tariff

12.2 Government-Regulated cost of Providing Information

  • The government hasn’t passed any complaints in the past two years about the cost of providing information.

13. Licencing contracts

13.1 Templates of Licensing contracts

  • Magdaléna o.p.s. doesn’t use any templates of licensing contracts when providing information

13.2 Exclusive Licences

  • Magdaléna o.p.s. doesn’t use any licensing templates to edit exclusive licences.

14. Annual legal report about free access to information

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