Field Programs, Contact centres, Easy to access facilities for children and youth, treatments, professional social advice and therapy communities are registered under social services. They are provided based on the law of social services (Zákon č. 108/2006 Sb.).
Addictology ambulances are specialised healthcare facilities that are provided based on the law of social services (Zákon č. 372/2011 Sb.).
Programs for the primary prevention of risky behaviors are provided based on the methodologic advice MŠMT ( Methodological advice for primary prevention of risky behaviour in children and adolescents.).
All Magdalena o.p.s programs (Except NZDM) are professionally certified to provide addictology services, which are addressed by the Advisory Council for anti-drug political coordination of the Government Office of the Czech Republic
Divorce, being fired, death of a loved one, domestic violence, difficult childhood. Life situations anyone can experience. Those factors often lead up to addiction. In many cases addicts need help from others. This means that they require support from organizations like Magdaléna, o.p.s.
To run our organization we need financial support from donors. The annual maintenance costs us tens of millions of CZK. Your support will help us bring 7 out of 10 clients back into society and educate youth, so that they can avoid addiction.