Field Programs

Field programs are easy-to-access services for users of addictive substances and those in dire situations. Within our field programs we also help people in their natural settings. Services are safe and anonymous. Amidst all that we protect the public by picking up used syringes at local areas and testing people for infections and diseases.

What is a field program

Field programs are often the first service with which addicts tend to come in contact. They arrive at the idea that informing the user we can avoid many complications associated with substance use. We provide field programs in the Středočeský kraj:

What services do we provide?

Clients are given the choice of syringe exchange, crisis intervention, social/law-based advice, accompaniment to the doctor, information about risks of substance use and possible healthcare or professional contacts.

Furthermore we take care of used syringes and map the drugs scene in a designated area.

Who are our services made for?

Our field program services are primarily for injection-based addicts, but also for other users of illegal and addictive substances (including THC), without regard to frequency or duration of use.

Moreover our services are made for clients addicted to alcohol,or gambling or those in dire psychosocial situations like being homeless.

What are the goal of the field program

Create and keep in contact with addicts and influence their motivation to change their risky behaviour and lifestyle.

  • Increase the knowledge of clients about the hazard of using drugs, and infectious diseases and provide professional help.
  • Stabilise their psychosocial situation and connect to a net of professional aid services.
  • Protect the public from infectious diseases and the consequences of substance use.

Contact places for field programs and other facilities

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