Harm Reduction and Risk reduction

About Harm Reduction

Harm reduction programs are anonymous, safe and accessible to all substance users. They aim to decrease the risks of using addictive substances for the user and for society. An essential part of the action is to protect the clients and the rest of the population from infectious diseases.

What is harm reduction

Harm reduction programs are those that decrease risks. They are programs that focus on reducing the consequences of using addictive substances for addicts.
Another critical point is to protect society from the dangerous side effects associated with addiction.

What are the goals

Harm reduction services attempt to improve the life quality of addicts within the margin of mental and physical health. We inform clients about the possible alternatives to taking less risky drugs, and we can motivate them to seek treatment.

The main focus is on protecting society from the adverse outcomes of addiction. We decrease the risk of transmitting infectious diseases like hepatitis B and C. By cleaning up used infectious materials, we create safer environments.

How are the programs run?

We use an easy-to-access approach and don’t create extensive requirements for clients. We do not demand clients to enter treatment or start with abstinence.

We provide clients with social services and healthcare, information, support or assistance during communication with legislative and doctors. We approach clients concerning their surroundings, anonymity and life situations.

We provide the public with free and anonymous testing for infectious diseases.

What are the services of harm reduction?

We seek and contact people who use addictive substances. They become clients of our services and we link them to our healthcare system for addiction treatment. Our work happens in the contact centres located in Benešov and Příbram. We also offer a terrain program, where we move around specific locations of the Středočeského kraje.

We allow clients to switch their used syringes for sterile ones, and inform them about the possible treatment and the risks of taking drugs.

Those interested can be tested for diseases, we give out condoms and protect the public’s health by cleaning up syringes in local areas.

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