Addiction is a disease that works like a cursed cycle. It can be caused by heartache, stress, feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, and even bad childhood experiences. The treatment is always adjusted to the needs of individuals. We accept patients even at the most critical times and allow them to stop and evaluate their current lifestyle. The basic requirement for treatment success are finding inner order, meaning in life, genuine relationship with loved ones and abstinence.
A person can be addicted not only to substances such as alcohol, drugs or prescription drugs, but also to behaviours that bring pleasure and satisfaction, like addiction to porn, the internet, gambling or computer games.
We provide:
Don’t fight addiction on your own. We can help you.
Divorce, being fired, death of a loved one, domestic violence, difficult childhood. Life situations anyone can experience. Those factors often lead up to addiction. In many cases addicts need help from others. This means that they require support from organizations like Magdaléna, o.p.s.
To run our organization we need financial support from donors. The annual maintenance costs us tens of millions of CZK. Your support will help us bring 7 out of 10 clients back into society and educate youth, so that they can avoid addiction.