Educational Centre

About the Educational Centre

The primary goal of the educational centre is to provide teachers and other participants of our course with enough information, experience and procedures, so that they can easily focus on the topics of prevention in their classes.

We want to ensure that our course participants understand the principles of effective prevent. It should not fear or scare the students, but proceed at a friendly or non-judgemental degree. A good atmosphere is essential, so students can share their opinions. The primary goal is positively impact the students with our prevention programs, with which the participants will work afterwards. The point of these general prevention programs is to restrict risky behaviour in children and young adults, or make sure it appears at a later stage in life.

Effectivity of the Educational centre

The educational centre provides mainly credited courses from DVPP MŠMT. They are primarily made for school prevention workers, tutors, and other teachers, but even for anyone interested in working with children and adolescents.

Most commonly the courses take place in Prague. A few times a year we open courses for the Středočeský kraj and provide education directly in schools around the Czech Republic.

What are the goals of the Education Centre

The main goals are to: Prepare teachers and course takers to independently lead prevention programs in classes. The participant of our course should be able to identify the appearance of specific risks in students and intervene at the right time. The essence of our course is a space where people share work experience and consultation of particular cases with interviews.

We strive to make teachers understand the pros that prevention has, so that they can make a pleasant experience out of a mandatory drill.

How do we differ from others

Our courses are interactive and practical. Participants try specific techniques on their own. Due to this they can comprehend the experiences of their students better and clarify their approach to these topics. The lecturers have years of experience educating teachers and leading student programs.

Our main principles are a friendly approach, saving the environment, respect and a space for different opinions. We approach everything without the need for assessment and we don’t make judgments on what is right or wrong. Every participant receives a brochure with a step-by-step method.

How do our courses go

The first part of the education is training where teachers familiarise themselves with the method and its contents. They go through a selection of classes from the student’s point of view. The experiences they gain from this session are then applied in their class. Afterwards, there is a reflection session and consultation on program implementation. Everyone also has the opportunity to try out a chosen technique on course participans.

We cooperate with Charles University School of Medicine Clinic of Addictology (1.LF UK) and educate our participants on the newest findings.

Professional centres and facilities

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