About Magdaléna

The Mission of Magdaléna, o. p. s.

Our mission is to treat clients with addiction. We accompany them on a journey back to their families, friends, partners and children. We help them get a free and fulfilling life without addiction. We have experience in treating substance abuse since 1997 and tens of thousands of clients went through our programs.

We devote ourselves to addictions from the beginning to the end. Our services provide prevention programs for children and young adults, programs for adults, complete treatment of addiction including post-treatment programs and training housing, easy-to-access programs for severely addicted clients, and a club for children and young adults.

Don’t face addiction on your own, we will help you.

The centre for primary prevention offers programs for children and adolescents. We have an easily available institution in Benešov. In terms of harm reduction services we provide field programs in Středočeský kraj and we have contact centres for addictology services in Příbram and Benešov.

The therapy community Magdaléna is located in, what used to be a rocket base, at the top of Včelník, which is close by Mníšek pod Brdy. We trea to clients, for whom “complete reconstruction of life” in the form of a year-long stay is often the only solution to beating addiction. In the program CHRPA we treat clients with a dual diagnosis.

We have three addictology clinics in Příbram, Prague and Beroun. Our post-treatment centre is located in Podolí and focuses on clients who try to return to the real world after their treatment.


The founder of Magdaléna, o. p. S. was Marie Kaplanová, who was born on the 25th of November 1928, and with her husband, George, had ten children. Both of them were strictly against the communist regime and by the closest of margins they were able to connect with the foreign centres of mental health and the Czech catholic dissent. Even with great devotion to their family the parents had been tested by life as three of their children suffered from addiction. The only way communists would deal with those struggling with mental disorders was to conceal them in a psychiatric facility so the children could find treatment in no other place.

As shown by the tragic experience of the Kaplan family, not all addicts would be provided treatment. After the revolution and suffering one of her life’s greatest tragedies, Marie Kaplan decided to develop the treatment of addiction among young people. She created a system that would aid even her family in times of need. Thanks to Kaplan’s family friend Miroslav Vlk, a thought was born, which would lead to placing a therapeutic facility in the old rocket bass at the top of Včelník not far away from Mníšek pod Brdy.

Current Times

The program we provide to clients at Včelník, is based on principles of intense cohabitation and taking care of the common area, like living in a family. Clients gradually take over more responsibility for caring for of the community and others.

Their genuine interest in changing themselves and others supports the wholesome therapeutic approach of psychotherapy, work therapy, work with family and strengthening excursions. Magdaléna, o. p. s. managed to help thousands of people to get out of addiction.

Magdalena is put together by the ideals of love, hope and order with highly professional social service. We prepared thousands of children to enter the real world. In our actions we reflect the citation of today’s man in the postmodern society- a person who lives a dissociated and episodic life that is complicated to navigate and is full of uncertainty. We believe that we are at the right place at the right time to help develop the freedom of those who need it. In this sense of the word the public intention reaches far beyond the borders of common perspective.

Cost of Services

All services are free. The only exceptions are the CPP courses and cost of living and food in cases at the Therapy Community, CHRPA and the Post-treatment centre.

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