Easy-access institution MeziČas

About easy-access institution MeziČas

Our mission is to support the healthy growth of children and young adults from the Benešov area and prevent their risky behaviour or minimise its consequences. In our institution children and adolescents can find a space without pressure and prejudice, where they can freely meet up, talk together, spend their time wisely and engage in offered activities. In the safe environment of the club, they can entrust others with their problems and solve them with the help of workers. We also ensure fieldwork for clients who don’t have the option to visit the club.

What are the principles of our services.

The most important thing for us is accessibility. Our services are at their maximum availability and we try to push away any barriers that could stop children and young adults from finding our club or utilising our services.

Our services are voluntary, anonymous and completely free. We respect the partner and equal approach along with reciprocal cooperation. Our club creates a safe space where children and adolescents can find their place.

What is the easy-access institution MeziČas

The easy-access institution MeziČas is a registered social service. You can find it in Benešov. Within its walls we provide ambulance and terrain services for children and young adults ages 6-26.

We are accessible in terms of time and space. At our club you will always find a trained professional. We work even in the field.

What is the goal of MeziČas

We want children and young adults to share vital and sensitive topics with us. They can always reach out to us for help or support while solving dire situations. We want them to have an objective approach to information and autonomous decisions.

The goal is to incorporate children and young adults into society in a way that allows them to think,plan and prepare for the future. We want them to be able to create and maintain social contacts, and knowledge about the network of services they can use when needed.

What services do we offer

We provide the following services in the area of educational activity, providing contact with a social environment, social therapy activities, help with applying the law, eligible interests and sorting personal necessities:

  • Staying in the safe environment of our club
  • Providing information, professional help and advice in critical situations
  • Dealing with institutions and accompaniment
  • Hobbies and workshops
  • Development of skills and healthy habits

Who are our services for?

Children and young adults between the ages of 6-26 from the Benešov area, who are suffering from unfavourable social situations and mainly those in the following areas:

  • Family, peer and partner relationships
  • Education and future implementation
  • Work with emotions, behaviour and attitude to authorities
  • Experimenting with addictive substances
  • Living, working, and finances
  • Lifestyle and eating
  • Hobbies

Professional centres and facilities

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